
ProcessOn has been selected as elective course of Capital University of Economics and Business.

Nowadays, the concept of "think visually" is very popular in the world. Obviously, ProcessOn is the best diagram tool to help you put the concept into practice.

ProcessOn has been selected as elective course of Capital University of Economics and Business this year. The class has already been started on March 3,2016.

Introduction of ProcessOn
The students of  Capital University of Economics and Business are really smart. They mastered the skills in a very short time.

The course includes Flowchart, Mindmaps, UI and UML etc. We teach students how to draw the diagrams by using ProcessOn. Just drag and drop, it is very easy to use. We show them some specific diagrams to be an example.
Example of Flowchart
The students consist of some groups and draw the diagrams with their classmates in real time collaboration.

ProcessOn, the free online diagramming collaboration platform to create multiple diagrams. Flowcharts, Mindmaps, UI&UX, UML etc.
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How ProcessOn Can be Helped in Classroom?

It's reported that diagram creator can make huge difference in practiong strong thinking skills and comprehension for all pages. ProcessOn is such an online diagram creator to drawing diagrams, organizing thoughts that totally free. Individuals or groups can create the organizers or the class can create them together, such as in a brainstorming session on a projector. Let's take a look how it can be helped in classroom from the following aspects.

Real-Time Collaboration- ProcessOn is widely used in the classroom as a visual platform. As teachers all know that it is quite a headache when students are apathetic about classroom participation, the real time collaboration feature of ProcessOn can easily tackle this problem. The new technology captures students' attention and encourages them focus on the task at hand. At the same time, each contribution has equal weight, and every student's voice is represented when they work in the designer. Teachers will end up with an energetic-yet-structured class discussion that kids will love.

Figure.share and collaboration

In-class individual work- Apart from the real-time collaboration feature, ProcessOn is still an excellent tool for independent learning. Students will enjoy playing around with ProcessOn's design options, which allow customization of colors, borders, text, and even the size of the canvas. The designer empowers kids by giving them full control over their learning environment. They'll love the slick interface and intuitive nature of the software and the their confidence will grow along with their proficiency.

Team Work- Team assignments are perfect for strengthening social skills. When students use ProcessOn for team work, they can collaborate from any location, with any browser, on any device. Rather than try to arrange meeting times and dates, students can streamline team projects with on-line chatting. You may even find yourself expanding the breadth and depth of group projects, since ProcessOn can accommodate an unlimited number of collaborators.

Export Work Into Other Sites- Many students nowadays maintain a class blog or wiki, and a Pinterest board is a must-have for your school district. Exported ProcessOn diagrams to them is so easy by just a few clicks. You can download your diagram in the format of PDF, PNG, JPG or POS(ProcessOn special format). Students can share documents on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and personal websites, and you can always host your doc on a permanent ProcessOn web page. You can help your students understand that learning isn't meant to stay in the classroom.

 Figure.export work into other sites

Check out here: ProcessOn